Monday, February 28, 2011

Chuck Close

I found this Chuck Close piece very interesting. The shapes that make up a woman's face seem to me to look like cells under a microscope. I love how he used colors such as blue, red, and orange to make up the face when usually these would not be seen when drawing a face.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Gestalt 2

This picture of #1 at Idle Hour shows closure. The way the landscaping crew mowed the grass makes continuous lines on the fairway.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Andy Goldsworth

I love the the detail and colors in this work. In such a dark setting Andy brings life and color to the area and the way he organizes each piece makes for a great work of art. 

Friday, February 11, 2011

Gestalt - Unity

Gestalt is a psychology term that means unified whole. The theories that Gestalt explains describe how people tend to organize visual elements into groups when certain principles are applied. These principles are: similarity, continuation, closure, proximity, figure and ground.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Louis Nevelson

This is one of my favorite pieces from the Louis Nevelson collection. I like the dark charcoal color. Each box contains several boxes that gives tremendous depth. I love the intricate detail each box contains. There are so many places to look which makes this work so interesting to me.

Lucas Samaras

 This Lucas Samaras box above first caught my eye because of its unique style. I like how it appears to be on its side. The face on the right interior of the box is interesting to me because it is done through shadowing. Opposite from the face looks like hair. This at first was disturbing to me but as I thought about it more, I think it goes with the face that is lays across from. As far as the entire box goes, the exterior is my favorite part. I love the different color beading with a lot of texture. 

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Joseph Cornell Boxes

Of all the Joseph Cornell boxes I looked up, this was my favorite of his pieces. The interesting 3D look the combination of the background and foreground  give the box was what first grabbed my attention. I like how the men in black and white are staring into the blue distance.  I am unsure of what the words in the box mean but it seems to me like they are words of inspiration, almost like the man is saying "go forth".